Summit Peak Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy Patient Driven and Patient Centered


How long will my appointment be?
Your first visit will consist of the initial evaluation, typically lasting an hour in length. Visits following the initial evaluation will typically last from 45 min to 60 min.
Will you be communicating with my referring physician?
Documentation of the initial evaluation, including goals, progress notes, and discharge summaries, will be sent to the referring physician. 
Are copayments due on each visit?
Yes, copayments are due each visit. Summit Peak Physical Therapy is aware of circumstances in which immediate payment is not possible, and payment plans can be arranged if necessary. If this is the case, such arrangements should be discussed with Dr. Moses at the time of the initial evaluation.
Can I be evaluated without an insurance referral at the time of my visit?
Yes you can be evaluated; however, in order to be seen the next time for regular visits you must present your referral slip.
What are your private pay rates?
Summit Peak charges 105.00 dollars for an initial evaluation, which consists of a thorough musculoskeletal examination, special tests and development of a treatment plan.  Follow-up visits are charged at 65.00 dollars and consist of manual therapy, soft-tissue mobilization, therapeutic exercise, and modalities, if indicated as per treatment protocol.
What do I wear for my initial evaluation and visits?
Loose fitting clothing is best for therapy visits.